Monday, March 11, 2019

Growth Mindset: The Power of Yet

Video: The Power of Yet: Janelle Monae and the Muppets (3 min.) Web Link

I picked this Growth Mindset Challenge because it was a combination of one of my favorite childhood television shows and a very talented singer I know of now, Janelle Monae. The power of yet is something that can begin to be an encouragement at such a young age. However, is still as impactful and influential to grown ups! I really enjoyed the song and I hope it was able to impact the children that watch Sesame Street. 

Youtube Link

1 comment:

  1. Hi Madee,

    I love reading other people's growth mindset posts because it's weirdly inspiring! Janelle Monae is such a great artist, and this video she made with Sesame Street is so cute. I love how you pointed out that the power of "yet" is simple yet strong, so someone of any age can use it. I love the idea that kids are learning to believe in their potential, instead of being discouraged about what they're not able to do yet!


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