Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Week 10: Storylab TedEd

A New Theory of Human Intelligence: (Web Link)

Scott Barry Kaufman shared his personal story of how he grew up with a disability. This disability made his teachers believe he was incapable, so held him back a couple grades and put him in special education. Kaufman's passion is to use psychological science and creativity to help measure someone's potential, rather than just solely relying on IQ tests.

His focus for his new theory of human intelligence:
Four C's model:

Although IQ does correlate with capacity, Kaufman believes that there is more to capability than standardized tests. Intelligence is the dynamic interplay of engagement and ability in pursuit of personal goals. He emphasizes that the more motivated we are, the more likely we are able to achieve, and the more engaged we are. Students fall between the cracks in terms of the standard society has set because of IQ tests and ACT scores. He figured out a strategy using his creativity and commitment to put himself in a position, allowing him to finally pursue his passion and hopefully create a change in the system.


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Week 10: Reading Notes Cherokee Nation Part B

The Owl Gets Married

This story is part of the Cherokee Myths unit. Story source: Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900).

First off, I was intrigued by the title of this story. It made me want to focus on both the plot of this story and the owl character of this story. This story begins with a widow and her daughter and the mother giving advice to her daughter on what kind of man to marry. She insisted that she has to marry a man that is a good hunter. Without any hesitation, the daughter promised her mother she would marry a man that was a good hunter. Conveniently a man arrived at their home and asked for the daughter's hand in marriage. The widowed mother was very skeptical and asked if he was a good hunter, because that was the only man her daughter could marry. He said he was just that, so he and the daughter lived in their own home. The next morning the husband said he would go out hunting, however changed his mind and said fishing. I take from this interaction that he isn't really a hunter. He returned that evening with only two fish and he was gone all day. This happened a couple more times, then he changed his mind and said he was going hunting instead of fishing. He returned that night with a handful of scraps that some hunters had cut off a deer. The daughter being suspicious decided to follow her husband when he went off to hunt. Before her own eye she saw him turn into an owl. Later that day when he returned home she asked where all the food was. He answered that there was none because an owl scared it all away. She confronted him and said, "I think you're an owl"and sent him away where he lived alone in the forest. 

Week 10: Reading Notes Cherokee Nation Part A

Cherokee: The Journey to the Sunrise

This story is part of the Cherokee Myths unit
Story source: Myths of the Cherokee by James Mooney (1900).

The Journey to the Sunrise tells the story of a group of men who want to know the sun and see what it's like. I want to focus on the plot of this story and hopefully fill some of the gaps with my own ideas. The group of men started their journey by gathering supplies they would need. They grabbed bows and arrows, corn, extra moccasins, and headed east. I like how the the author added the detail of what direction they were heading. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. On their adventure they ran into other tribes. Some they knew of, but never met, for instance the root eaters and the acorn eaters. They learned that in the acorn eater tribe if a man became sick his wife is buried in the same grave as him. So in a morbid, but respectful way, the group of men waited for the man to die. They buried him and his wife, and then they continued on their journey. The men travelled until they finally met sunrise, where the sky and the ground meet. (This is where it gets tricky for me) 

"They found that the sky was an arch or vault of solid rock hung above the earth and was always swinging up and down, so that when it went up there was an open place like a door between the sky and ground, and when it swung back the door was shut. The Sun came out of this door from the east and climbed along on the inside of the arch. It had a human figure, but was too bright for them to see clearly and too hot to come very near."

By the end of their journey the men left were so old. They were now at the end of the world, so started back home again. 


Thursday, March 14, 2019

WEEK 9: Story: The Muggle Princess

Once Upon a time there was a beautiful young princess named Meredith. The princess was in a secret relationship with William, a young wizard who attended the school of witchcraft. Her parents did not believe in the art of magic and therefore would never allow her to marry a wizard. But, Meredith was in love and was very conflicted on what to do. Her parents would soon expect her to be married and add someone to their royal/muggle family. She ended up marrying a nice and noble prince that her parents approved of. She was heartbroken to have to marry someone she didn’t truly love, but she had no choice. William was devastated and felt betrayed, but he knew his heart and hers belonged together.
So, with his invisible cloak he snuck into the castle. He had a plan to save his princess. He went to the kitchen while it was vacant and stirred up a little confusion concoction. This potion would make the prince sick and confused hopefully allowing William to get alone time with Meredith. After making the potion William snuck out of the kitchen and hurried into where they were serving the prince and Meredith’s meal. He watched him drink the potion, and then “Poof!” he turned into a very sick prince…
The royal staff was embarrassed and immediately sent him away to the nearest hospital. Meredith was just enjoying her food, and acted so worried, however secretly she was relieved. When no one was looking William revealed himself from under the invisible cloak. Meredith’s jaw dropped! It was William! Her REAL Prince Charming! William draped the cloak over both of them and whispered,
“I’ve come to save you sweet Mere! Come live with me and become a witch!”
Meredith apologized, “I am so sorry for marrying someone else, you know I could never love someone as much as you!”

William and Meredith ran out the castle and jumped on his broom and away they went. And they lived Happily Ever After.



The Enchanted Prince, written by: by Dean S. Fansler (Web Link), Filipino Tales Unit 

Author's Note: The original story is about a prince who falls in love with a young witch. His father forces the prince to marry the prettiest girl in their town. The young witch felt so hurt and betrayed she turned the prince into a monkey and his whole kingdom into a jungle. He would be stuck as a monkey for five centuries or until he found true love. The monkey prince stayed up in his tree hoping for someone to love, but was turned down so many times. Eventually he noticed a sweet girl outside the church lonely and sad. He took her up to the top of his tree and she soon fell for him. He then turned into a prince again and she woke up in the castle. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

WEEK 9: READING NOTES: Filipino Tales

The Enchanted Prince, written by: by Dean S. Fansler (Web Link), Filipino Tales Unit 
The Monkey Prince
The Enchanted Prince tells the story of a young handsome prince and his complicated love with his father's worst enemy's daughter, a witch. He and the young witch loved each other very much, but he was so fearful of telling his own father. It was time for the prince to be married soon and his father requested he find the most beautiful woman in the city to marry. He couldn't find a woman to suit her, because deep down he knew he still loved the witch's daughter. So, the father took responsibility into his own hands and found a woman for his son to marry and out of fear he agreed to marry here. The witch heard the news and out of anger and betrayal turned the young prince into a monkey. She turned his kingdom into a forest and even turned some of his staff into animals. Out of spite, the witch told him her would be a monkey for five centuries until a young woman falls in love with him. There was a church built right next to the prince's tree, there he would sit and look for women to pursue. Most women were struck with fear and ran from the monkey prince, however one day there was a beautiful young lady sitting alone outside the church. She was just getting over a heartbreak and was very depressed. The monkey prince saw her in despair and climbed down and took her to the top. The girl trusted him after looking into his eyes. She lived off of fruits and grew to love him more and more everyday. Eventually the girl opened her eyes to handsome young prince in the castle, she thought it was all a dream. The prince told her the history of her life and she knew it was real, they got married and lived happily ever after.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Growth Mindset: The Power of Yet

Video: The Power of Yet: Janelle Monae and the Muppets (3 min.) Web Link

I picked this Growth Mindset Challenge because it was a combination of one of my favorite childhood television shows and a very talented singer I know of now, Janelle Monae. The power of yet is something that can begin to be an encouragement at such a young age. However, is still as impactful and influential to grown ups! I really enjoyed the song and I hope it was able to impact the children that watch Sesame Street. 

Youtube Link

Learning Challenge: 10 Ways to Improve Sleep

10 Ways to Improve Your Sleep

Website Link, written by Sarah Marsh
Sleeping Puppy
1. Find Your optimal Bedtime 
2. Get Into Routines- Even on Weekend 
3. Beware of Cold Feet 
4. Embrace the Darkness
5. Lose the Laptop 
6. Use the 90-minute Rule
7. Avoid Caffeine Before Bedtime 
8. Exercise in the Morning
9. De-clutter Your Room 
10. Try Meditation 

From this article it confirmed that I knew to avoid caffeine and to work out in the morning to ensure a better night of sleep. One new thing I learned was to Embrace the Darkness. "Science tells us that how light or dark a room is at bedtime matters. Studies show that light can delay the production of melatonin, a chemical in the body that anticipates the daily onset of darkness. Another study by scientists at the University of Granada also found that sleeping in pitch black is important for the metabolism." One new thing I learned and want to explore is being aware of cold feet. So many I got to bed with freezing feet and I had no idea it was affecting my quality of sleep. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

WEEK 8 Progress

I am proud of the way I have learned to make to not procrastinate as much as I did in the beginning of the semester. I am wish I would have just sat down and done the assignments I knew I had to get done, but I am very thankful for the extra credit opportunities. I enjoy the weekly reading class assignments. "Reading like a writer" has really been a lot of fun and being able to put my own twist on a story is something I look forward to every week. 
Looking forward, I can definitely say right off the bat I want to be better about finishing assignments on time. I need to do a better job of prioritizing. I want to try to do as man extra credit assignments as I can!



WEEK 8 Comments and Feedback

1. I would rate the quality of the comments and feedback I am receiving from the other students in the class as a 7 out of 10. I receive a lot of encouraging and positive compliments, but I sometimes I honestly want to seek constructive criticism. I am finding the comments that are more useful when using the "sandwich" technique. Positive feedback, constructive criticism, then followed by positive feedback.
2. I think I could do a better job of leaving more detailed and constructive feedback. I really enjoy using the WWW strategy when giving feedback and comments. It has helped immensely when I don't know what else to say. I am definitely getting some good ideas from my fellow students. Everyone is such a good writer! 
3. I think I am getting to know students, after reading their Introduction and weekly stories, I feel like I know their personality more. I like the connecting aspect of this class and I am very happy with my Introduction. I feel like it reflects who I am and how I write! 
4. I think I need to be more detailed in my own feedback and comments and if I receive feedback and comments I need to take them more seriously and apply to my writing. I do not think I need any changes on my comment wall or Introduction.
5. I have chosen this image, "I need feedback to help me grow" because I really think it embodies what this class is teaching me. I will admit I am not the best writer, so I need all the help I can get! Feedback isn't something to be bothered by, but instead used as a tool to help me grow as a writer. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Reading & Writing 

Overall, the reading and writing assignments have been good for me. I think I tend to procrastinate and then I feel overwhelmed on getting some the reading and writing assignments finished in time. I really like my blog and the aesthetic of it. I did make some adjustments to my side bar and flow of my blog. I am very proud of my project website. Just last week I changed my header/banner image to make it more detailed, rather than a vague or display image. I am satisfied with how my writing is going for my project. I do think I need as much help as I can when it comes to my writing. I do not think I am the great of writer, so I don't mind constructive criticism. I think my story posts are okay, however I think there are definitely some very talented writers in this class. My biggest accomplishment in this class was my story book title and theme. I am really proud of my story project, I think it really shows my personality through my writing. My favorite reading so far was Middle East/India. My weekly reading notes are definitely helping influence my own stories. "Reading like a writer" is a whole new perspective and has really helped me in writing my own stories.
From the Persian Tales: The Wolf and the Goat

WIKIPEDIA TRAIL: Aphrodite to Dolphins


I started my Wikipedia trail with Aphrodite. Aphrodite is an ancient Greek goddess associated with love, beauty, pleasure, passion, and procreation. She is one of the most famous Greek goddesses and I always enjoy stories that have her in them. Aphrodite is very complex and I think that is why she is so intriguing.


Aphrodite led me to Eros. Eros is the greek god of sensual love and desire. Eros is described as a child of Aphrodite and Ares. Eros is very mischievous and has many different guises. He finesses his way to intervene with God ands mortals creating bonds of love to form. 


Eros led me to Cupid, because Cupid in Latin means to desire. Cupid is the god of desire, erotic love, and affection.  Cupid is often known as the icon of Valentine's Day. Along with Eros and Aphrodi


In both ancient and later art, Cupid is seen riding a dolphin. This is what brings Aphrodite, to Eros, to Cupid, to Dolphins.



Week 15: Story Lab (Writers Write)

Write What You Care About "Write what you care about and understand. Writers should never try to outguess the marketplace in s...