Thursday, May 2, 2019

Week 15: Growth Mindset (Learning with Passion and Enthusiasm)

Growth Mindset: Learning with Passion and Enthusiasm

Dopamine and Endorphins are our happiness chemicals. So, when we're seeing things outside of our brain, we take into account if those things make us excited. For example, researchers did experiment showing pictures of Porches to men and then showed them pictures of an older, less luxury car. They noticed that there was a dramatic different in their reaction to the different cars.
One interesting thing I took away from this Growth Mindset activity is the fact that we go shopping to feel happy. In reality, we only feel happy while shopping for 12 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Madee,

    I think what you wrote about is something that people tend to ignore in their lives. So often, people make decisions that grant them temporary happiness, but mortgages their future happiness in response. For example, if you go to the mall and buy a bunch of clothes you are really excited. But when the credit card bill is due you become really unhappy!!



Week 15: Story Lab (Writers Write)

Write What You Care About "Write what you care about and understand. Writers should never try to outguess the marketplace in s...